Friday, September 25, 2009

"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"

            In preventing the nature to be destroy, We people must learn to adjust or adapt the Science Culture and Love the Nature as well. And to develop our country in progressive manner, we citizens of this country, what would be the best thing that we should do in order to save the nature? How can you help or what would be the best thing that you should do in order to save the Nature? How can you help or what would be the best thing that you can contribute to the nation sothat it will become progressive?

          As a Human being, I have also a role about nature.? What comes into your mind when you hear the word nature? Nature is a divine arts, God creates this as a gift living. Its a wonderful gift , right??? So let us develop the nature to become progressive. We must care and protect for it for the sake of the next generation. We must clean our sorroundings, plant more trees, avoid throwing garbage anywhere, avoid illegal loging, and take the 3R which is the REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

            Let us keep a lot of care to the nature. We can keep the country in progression in many simple way. "LEARN TO LOVE THE NATURE."

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